Technology type

Remote sensing GIS




R&D Projects




Remote sensing, combined with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), uses satellite or aerial imagery to map and analyse landscapes. This technology aids in efforts such as habitat mapping, land use assessment, and spatial planning for conservation initiatives.

camera trap icon Products



  • Big Life Foundation

    Big Life Foundation USA uses advanced technologies and works with local communities to protect wildlife and wild lands in East Africa, combating poaching, human-wildlife conflict, and habitat destruction.

  • Osa Conservation

    Osa Conservation uses innovative technology and a comprehensive approach to protect the Osa Peninsula's natural ecosystems.

  • Global Airborne Observatory

    The Global Airborne Observatory is an airborne laboratory that houses advanced earth mapping technologies which facilitates the advancement of scientific discoveries, supports conservation, and galvanizes action to protect the environment at large geographic scales.

  • Imazon

    Imazon (Amazon Institute of People and the Environment) is a Brazilian research institution that promotes conservation and sustainable development in the Amazon.

  • Arizona State University

    Arizona State University is a world class University keen on caring for the environment through programs that aim to achieve net zero carbon emissions and use of green power.