Development of gibbon survey methods project
Short summary for card views and tables:  
The project aims to develop a standardized acoustic survey method using affordable hardware and statistical analysis software to gather reliable data on gibbon populations, addressing knowledge gaps and aiding conservation efforts.
  • Diep edited overview - (9 June 2023 5:18am)


The Development of Gibbon Survey Methods project aims to address the knowledge gaps in the distribution and conservation status of gibbon populations. By collaborating with experts from the University of St. Andrews and Rainforest Connection, the project is developing a standardized method for surveying gibbons acoustically. This method will involve an affordable and user-friendly hardware device for recording gibbon calls in the field, accompanied by detailed guidelines and customized statistical analysis software. The resulting survey data, combined with advanced statistical estimation methods, will provide reliable and verifiable estimates of gibbon population density and abundance. 

Product Type 

Technology Type 

Development Stage 

Species Group 

  •  Mammals

Help Needed 

External Resources

Testing locations


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