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15th International Elephant & Rhino Conservation and Research Symposium

The 15th International Elephant & Rhino Conservation and Research Symposium will be held at Singapore Zoo on November 14-18, 2016. The Symposium is presented by the International Elephant Foundation and the International Rhino Foundation, and will be hosted by Wildlife Reserves Singapore.

Online Event

Pressures on wild populations of elephants and rhinos are increasing at an alarming rate, with poachers killing both species at unsustainable levels. Wildlife habitat continues to shrink while human-elephant conflict increases. Conservationists and researchers around the world are committed to protecting the remaining animals and habitat.

The fourth joint International Elephant and Rhino Conservation and Research Symposium is a forum for elephant and rhino conservationists and researchers from around the world to present conservation projects and research outcomes, new technologies in field conservation and conflict mitigation, studies in disease, reproduction and behavior, and other issues that impact the long term survival of elephants and rhinos.

Come join us at the Singapore Zoo to share your experiences and best practices, make friends, and expand your professional network!

Visit www.elephantconservation.org for more information, abstract submission, and registration. Registration will be limited to 200.

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