discussion / Open Source Solutions  / 29 July 2020

Tech Tutors: How do I build bespoke conservation technology?

Hi Wildlabbers, 

We hope you enjoyed our sixth Tech Tutors session tomorrow with Nigel Butcher, who tackled the question: How do I build bespoke conservation technology? What are the key things I should think about/look out for?

This episode in particular should be a really great opportunity to start some collaborative projects, so we do hope you'll use this thread to inspire each other, brainstorm, and get creative together!

You can find all of our collaborative notes from this episode here, and watch the full recording below!

If you have questions that don't get answered in the sessions or want to continue discussions that pop up in the chat, please use this thread to continue the conversation. We'll pass any follow-up questions posted in here along to Nigel.

You can also find more information from Nigel here on the main epsiode page.




Hi Arky, glad you enjoyed the talk! I've asked Nigel if we can share the slide deck. We'll also be reposting the entire video soon, so you'll also be able to see the slides again in there. But hopefully we'll have a link for you soon!

Hi Arky,

Just getting round to sorting this. For starters here is the video from the presentation that I never showed. Take the travel sickness tablets first though!


Best wishes and glad you enjoyed the talk!
