discussion / Drones  / 13 April 2016

Great article talking about applying drones to scientific research

I thought this was a great article. It highlights different, current uses of research in UAVs. 

Interesting.  A case in point is the viral video making the rounds about drone fishing:

We've seen an array of inventive uses for drones of late across a whole range of endeavors, often having direct or indirect implications for natural resource management.  Using drones to improve our ability to target/hunt species of concern seems at once both a natural progression and something new with a slightly ominous overtone.  This strikes me as one of those moments where we might want to pause and take stock of what is going on with this technology and where it might go in the not too distant future.

Should we ignore this development?  Work to restrict the use of drones for such activities?  Support this?  Regardless of where we might come down on this question, I can't help but fell that this notion of drone fishing certainly seems to have the sense of "crossing the Rubicon" somehow.
