discussion / AI for Conservation  / 3 February 2023

Call for Data: A Global Database of Tree Crown Footprints from RGB Imagery

Hello! I am putting together a benchmark dataset for tree crown segmentation - do you have data and would you like to join our effort?

Call for data: we're looking for exact tree crown segmentations (rather than bounding boxes) collocated with some form of (very) high resolution aerial imagery - drone or satellite. Segmentation derived from TLS or ALS data is absolutely ideal, but high quality manual labels are also ok. 

In return, we can offer:
- Co-authorship on a publication (likely at some point in 2023)
- Access to the dataset for analysis prior to the full release

If there's anything else you think that I/we might be able to offer in return, feel free to ask!

Link for registering interest: bit.ly/crownseg
Contact for questions: [email protected]


Liz Scott
@lizscott  | she/her
Satellite Applications Catapult
Geospatial tech at Satellite Applications Catapult; seabird tracking / ringing on the side
Inventory Reviewer level 1
Inventory Beta Tester

Bluesky have a commercial tree crown dataset available covering most of Great Britain (England, Wales and parts of Scotland). There is a canopy layer with approximate outlines of each canopy (the image on this page shows just circular crowns). It's created using aerial imagery.