discussion / Acoustics  / 26 September 2018

AudioMoth - Big data software?

What are other people using to shift through AudioMoth files to pull out the bats calls - so far I've settled on BatClassify.   If seems to cope with corrupt/zero lenght files however it is very slow 10 hours for 5 nights on files and it is free....

Alex Rogers
@alex_rogers  | He/him/his
University of Oxford
I am a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Oxford where I work on developing novel low-cost conservation technology (including AudioMoth and SnapperGPS).
Commenter level 1
Inventory Beta Tester

Hi David, What is the problem you are having with zero length files? Alex

Hi Alex, I let the batteries get too low and I think that's what caused  the zero length files - I didn't know they were there and one AI system I was using hit them and fell over.  it was more I was intersted to know how others processed their big data  - of course if/when the audiomoth can use a decibel trigger that will cutdown on the files :)

Hi David,

@hj.wood had a few suggestion on twitter that might be helpful?

This paper came out earlier this year using deep learning tools to detect bat calls: https://t.co/77ENdXt2Q3

— Heather Wood (@hjwood81) October 16, 2018

I also just found this paper where you can extract bar calls and auto id! Anyone using it? https://t.co/5VOYyWO3XA

— Heather Wood (@hjwood81) October 24, 2018

And @ollie.wearn is also using audimoths to monitor bats, but hasn't found an approach that could help. I imagine he's keen to hear if you find something that works. 

Manually I'm afraid. Will be monitoring this thread for insights though

— Ollie Wearn (@olliewearn) October 16, 2018

Have you made any progress? 



Hi David,

Kate Jones suggested trying our their Bat Classifier tool - deep learning tools for bat acoustic signal detection. We've quite a few members here who worked on it if you've got questions (@Rory_Gibb, @snewson, @robin_freeman as a start)

We have a method for finding bat calls that is super quick, free and all code is open source https://t.co/52FPZHLyQU

— Kate Jones (@ProfKateJones) December 21, 2018
