Data loggers for sewage monitoring

Hi WILDLABS community

Recently I've been noticing some signs that our local beach in St Andrews, Scotland may be having raw sewage discharged. The monitoring by SEPA, as far as I can tell, occurs very infrequently and water quality predictions are based solely on weather. I regularly build marine data loggers (for example for underwater acoustics) but have little experience in how to monitor water quality or sewage. I've been thinking of making something which logs oxygenation, light, pH, temperature etc. and deploying a few units around the coast to get a better idea of what might be going on. I don't want to reinvent the wheel though so was wondering whether there are some hardware projects like this out there already (I'm assuming there is probably something considering the sorry state of UK rivers and inshore waters at the moment). 

Thanks for any help



Hi Jamie,

Nitrate sensors for sewage are quite pricey, so I might go with a bunch of OpenCTD loggers, on the theory that the conductivity will spike in sewage.  There may also be a detectable temperature signal.