
Short summary for card views and tables:  
The SnapperGPS receiver is a small, low-cost, and low-power GNSS receiver for non-real-time wildlife tracking.
  • Holly Cormack edited prerequisites - (16 December 2023 11:54pm)

    Holly Cormack contributed to Product - "SnapperGPS"


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The SnapperGPS receiver is a small, low-cost, and low-power GNSS receiver for non-real-time wildlife tracking. It employs the snapshot GNSS technology, which offloads the computationally expensive data processing to the cloud

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  • Can operate for more than a year,
  • Needs only 12 ms of signal reception for a fix,
  • Employs multiple satellite systems for improved reliability (GPS, Galileo, and BeiDou),
  • Achieves a median real-world tracking accuracy of about 12 m (before smoothing),
  • Measures the temperature in addition,
  • Is configured via USB in your browser without the need to install a driver or an app, and
  • Is certified open-source hardware.


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