
Short summary for card views and tables:  
Skylight helps improve maritime transparency and provides actionable intelligence to protect our oceans
  • Jordan Steward edited technology type - (2 January 2024 8:23pm)

    Jordan Steward contributed to Product - "Skylight"


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Species Group 


Skylight is a maritime monitoring and analysis software platform providing analysts and protected area managers with a near real-time tool to address illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing.  Applying state-of-the-art AI, such as computer vision and machine learning to a combination of data sources, Skylight was developed to identify suspicious vessel behavior and alert authorities who can investigate, and take enforcement and compliance action when necessary. 

Product Type 


Cost range

  •  Free

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Millions of incoming data points are automatically analyzed to highlight highly suspect events rather than showing a “spaghetti bowl” of vessel tracks. Automatic Identification System (AIS)-based alerts are generated and shared in real-time. Features like dark rendezvous employ advanced machine learning analytics. No specialized hardware is needed since Skylight is available through a simple and secure web-based login

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