
Rope On-Command (ROC) Fishing Starter Kit
Short summary for card views and tables:  
The Rope On-Command (ROC) Fishing Starter Kit revolutionizes trap-based fishing by offering an innovative, sustainable solution that addresses conservation issues and promotes sustainable practices.
  • Diep edited short summary - (5 June 2023 3:57am)


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  • Fish


The Rope On-Command (ROC) Fishing Starter Kit is an innovative solution for trap-based crab and lobster fishermen, designed to address conservation issues and promote sustainable fishing practices. This kit includes a suite of technologies that enable ropeless fishing, coiling vertical fishing lines connected to traps on the seafloor in a contained unit with a recovery buoy. Through an acoustic signal, the rope and buoy rise to the surface for easy retrieval. The kit also features advanced data analytics software to track gear deployment, map locations, and provide automatic e-logging capabilities. With the ROC Fishing Starter Kit, fishermen can enhance efficiency, protect marine life, and contribute to a more sustainable fishing industry.

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