
Short summary for card views and tables:  
MegaDetector is an AI model that detects animals, people, and vehicles and animals in camera trap images. MegaDetector most commonly used to filter out blank images.
  • Dan Morris edited documentation - (1 May 2024 2:34pm)

    Dan Morris contributed to Product - "MegaDetector"

Species Group 


MegaDetector is an AI model that detects humans, vehicles, and animals (here “animal” is a single, generic class) in camera trap data, saving users time combing through massive amounts of empty photos. MegaDetector works well in most terrestrial ecosystems and typically does not require any custom training for new users.

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1 reviews from May 2024 to present

  • Easy to use 1 100%
  • Free to use 1 100%
  • Stable / Reliable 1 100%
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MegaDetector is an AI model that detects animals, vehicles and people in camera trap images, and is most often used to avoid reviewing blank images. The current version (version 5) was trained using YOLOv5, based on data from a variety of ecosystems.

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