
Short summary for card views and tables:  
AcceleRater is user-friendly tool for training and using machine learning models to predict behavior from acceleration data.
  • Jake Burton edited where to buy - (1 November 2023 10:42am)

    Jake Burton contributed to Product - "AcceleRater"


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  • Birds


Biologgers with acceleration recordings are increasingly popular in animal behavior and movement ecology, for estimating energy expenditure and identifying a diverse range of behaviors. AcceleRater is a free-access python-based web application to train, visualize, and use models for supervised learning of behavioral modes from acceleration measurements. This application classifies behavioral modes from acceleration data obtained from free-range animals (e.g. vultures). This application will be upgraded and maintained.

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AcceleRater is a python-based web application, using the sci-kit learn library for fitting models and for most pre-processing operations. AcceleRater aims to facilitate broad use of ACC-based behavioral classification by including detailed explanations, a variety of models, model reconstruction options, alternative tests, and informative outputs, and by allowing the user to control many aspects of the processing, while setting typical values as default options.


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