Watch Party: Earth Observation 101

Hello EO101 Community!

I hope you are all looking forward to our Earth Observation 101 virtual course starting next week on 10 October!

While the course is pre-recorded and will be uploded to our WILDLABS YouTube channel, we wanted to reach out to see if there is any interest in us hosting a live watch party for each of the four course parts?

If a live watch party is something you would be interested in attending then please comment/react and leave your time-zone below so we can get a sense of interest and the best time to host!

Jake Burton
Fauna & Flora
I'm the Platform and Community Support Project Officer at WILDLABS! Speak to me if you have any inquiries about using the WILDLABS Platform or AI for Conservation: Office Hours.
Involvement level 2
Inventory Beta Tester
WILDLABS Event Speaker
Variety Hour Regular

For anyone interested we have decided to try a YouTube premiere for each part of the course. For the first part of the course visit our YouTube channel at 3:00pm BST on Monday 10 October to join a live chat and watch along with other participants. The video will then be available to watch anytime.