discussion / Software and Mobile Apps  / 19 February 2020

Looking for Case Studies of Orgs Engaging with Local Residents via Mobile Technologies

For my master's capstone project I'm looking to learn from conservation organizations who have engaged local residents (i.e. not org staff or rangers) in community conservation projects via mobile technologies (likely mobile phones). Ideally, I'd like to chat with 3-5 organizations to learn from their experience of implementing the project, successes/challenges, lessons learned etc. 

For example, this is one case that I want to learn more about : https://blogs.wwf.org.uk/blog/habitats/forests/mobile-phone-help-monitor-conservation-efforts/

And this is a case study I found on this platform: https://www.wildlabs.net/resources/case-studies/new-technology-trialled-better-monitor-human-gorilla-conflict-uganda

Is anyone aware of any other organizations who have engaged local residents on conservation projects (e.g. data collection, monitoring, surveys etc.) using mobile technologies?

Any leads would be greatly appreciated!