Data-Driven Insights into Canine Welfare and ConservationEfforts in Nairobi County


Nairobi County, Kenya’s capital, has an initiative that reshapes the lives of animals—the Kenya Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (KSPCA). This charity aims to improve animal welfare through sterilization, education programs, rescue, and rehabilitation. As KSPCA transforms one animal at a time, data collected is analyzed by the Shelter Manager System. 

Overview of Dogs in the Shelter

The KSPCA shelter is a haven for over 1000 animals, each with a story and a common goal to find a home. The dog population is a total of 687 dogs as of November 2023, representing a mix of surrendered, stray, confiscated, lost, and non-shelter dogs.

Freya, Case Study

Freya's story serves as an example of the tangible impact of the KSPCA. The rescue, rehabilitation, and eventual adoption of Freya and her puppies exemplify how data can help in decision-making towards animal welfare. Through the Shelter Manager System, the organization manages the dog population and analyzes patterns that contribute to effective welfare and conservation approaches.

Freya during rehabilitation

 A Glimpse through Freya's Journey

The Shelter Manager System allows gathering and interpretation of data on various aspects, including the animals' origin, health conditions, and behavioral traits. In Freya's case, the system monitored her recovery progress, documented her medical treatments, and ensured a successful adoption process.


Freya on her adoption day


Data-Driven Insight

The capability of the Shelter Manager System to gather and interpret data shows its impact in guiding informed decision-making for animal welfare. Freya's journey, monitored through this system, is one of many examples of the power of data-driven insights in shaping animal welfare policies.

Technology and Conservation

In conclusion, Freya's narrative summarizes how data-driven insights can shape effective conservation efforts. While challenges continue, especially with the street dog population, success stories like Freya's strain the need for data input and analysis. The silent force of data remains undisputed in advocating for animal welfare and conservation efforts.