Looking for partner_Project in Madagascar


I run a small NGO in Madagascar and would like to set up a continuous training about technology in Conservation for girls and young conservationist. I am looking for people interested in the project. I attached here our website https://wr-wildliferesearch.org/ 

Ny Aina   

Andrew Schulz
@StreamingScience  | he/him/his
Georgia Institute of Technology
Andrew’s always looking to find new interdisciplinary teams in the conservation tech space. He is a postdoctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute, who completed his PhD at Georgia Tech in 2022. His interests including conservation tech education and engineering work.
Group Curator
WILDLABS Event Speaker
Conversation starter level 1

Hi Ny Aina! Thank you so much! Is there a time commitment for this? I know in our last Wednesday update there are groups working on this specifically: @Phyllis22, @Alasdair @Jkavutha are working on some similar projects! Also @carlybatist might be interested in this. 

Thank you all for your response. 

The idea is one training per year (2-3 days). Topic will vary depending likely. My first idea is something such GIS for conservation or remote sensing for example. 

The PAM looks great. I will send you an email. 




Hi Ny Aina, @StephODonnell and I run a Women in Conservation Technology training program for women in East Africa (to date, we've worked with Kenyan and Tanzanian students). I'd be happy to talk through our process if you're interested!