discussion / Drones  / 3 April 2017


I'm interested in using OpenDroneMap. Does anyone out there have experience of using ODM, and do you any feedback? How do you find it? How does it compare to Pix4D, Photoscan or Drone2Map?

I'd also appreciate some technical advice - I'm trying to run ODM on Ubuntu virtual machine through Windows 10 and hitting a couple of snags. Stackexchange has provided many answers but I'm still not quite there (ssh key issue I think)...

Lot Amorós
Computer engineer, Drone Pilot, Seed researcher
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Hi Thomas,

I tested it with some success, Pix4D offers more quality but ODM is doing the job quite well.

Since the process is quite demanding I will recomend you to execute ODM nativelly without virtual machine.

Maybe you can go directly for webODM:


Lot Amorós
Computer engineer, Drone Pilot, Seed researcher
Commenter level 1
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Poster level 2

Cool! Thanks @Tomas Starnes.

Meanwhile, http://precisionmapper.com/ has adopted the freemium model, so the first 60 maps by year are free,  It's not open source but its free. I tried and works well, the 2d maps are perfect, the 3D digital model of terrain it's not the best but it's ok.