discussion / Software and Mobile Apps  / 31 October 2016

Survey123 and Collector

I'm interestes in finding out about people's experience with the two ESRI mobile apps. They are very quick to setup and deploy but I guess are limited in terms of customisation. Does anyone have an experience of using these apps in the field. What were the benefits and limitations?

I have had a very very quick play with them both some time ago. Actually it was part of some ESRI's training that I have attended. The Survey123 reminded me of EpiCollect, only a closed platform - you needed to register an account with them to use the app, which was an issue for us at the moment as we were looking for alternative scitizen science tools. Same with the Collector, though I liked its simplicity.

Ben Dorsey
Parks Canada
Ecologist/Spatial Data Specialist/Nerd :)

I am finding ArcGIS Collector very usefull. I can say, as an dedicated R coder, some things are worth paying money for and Collector is one of the. I have used it to implement several monitoring and data collection projects. I particularly like the assurance that data will not be lost on the device and the ability to cache base maps. 

Thanks for the comments so far everyone

We have used custom basemaps in Collector. You need to publish a tile layer to ArcGIS Online,( I'm not sure if an organisational account is needed for this.)add it to your map and then you can download that tile layer to your device
