Career Opportunity /  15 April 2024

3x Ai 4 Conservation Job Roles (UK)

SNTech are recruiting for 3 roles to assist us to develop computer vision pipelines for underwater monitoring

Deadline: 15 April 2024 - the deadline has passed.
Remote or London - United Kingdom

Hi WildLabs community - long time lurker, first time poster here :)

I'm CTO at SafetyNet, and we're hiring for some AI/software roles, described below, and attached PDF job descriptions.

Beyond this job advert, I'm looking forward to interacting with you all on the message boards. I'm most active/knowledgable concerning underwater cameras for environmental monitoring, and oceanographic sensors, so please reach out to me if I can assist or talk about anything like that.

All the best



SafetyNet Technologies is hiring 3 roles to support our new computer vision product that we’re developing, called ‘SeaFrame’. Might you be interested? Our subsea camera product ‘CatchCam’ is being used by researchers and fishermen all over the world to record underwater footage and gain insights concerning fishing gear behaviour (bycatch being caught? seabed impact?) and species occurrences/behaviour. The volume of footage we’re generating is getting … large :slightly_smiling_face: with many valuable insights contained within. Happily, we’ve won some grant funding to help us create a computer vision pipeline, wrapped in a user-friendly UI, for ourselves to use internally, and to release to some beta customers later this year. We’ve made a decent start, but really need to work with some specialists to create a minimum viable product to start testing in the field.We’ve been a hardware company for a very long time, and are now moving into software and machine learning that works with our camera hardware. We’re early on in our journey, and it’s an exciting time to get involved at the start of something big!I hope some of you here will be interested to work with us, or to share the opportunity with anyone you might know. Any questions, feel free to DM me